
1 Nisan 2011 Cuma

Oracle`i Sistemden Elle silmek


Asagidaki adimlari kullanarak oracle`i windows isletim sisteminden silebiliriz.
  • Uninstall Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
  • Run regedit.exe ve sil HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE key. Ve bunun icinde Oracle ile ilgili ne varsa butun urunleri silelim 
  • Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Ora*
  • Restart Windows.
  • Delete "C:\Oracle" klasoru, veya sizin ORACLE_BASE.
  • Delete "C:\Program Files\Oracle
  • Temizleyin "c:\temp"
  • Temizleyin cop kutusunu.


Uninstalling all products from UNIX is a lot more consistent. If you do need to resort to a manual uninstall you should do something like:
  • Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
  • Stop any outstanding processes using the appropriate utilities:
    # oemctl stop oms user/password
    # agentctl stop
    # lsnrctl stop
    Alternatively you can kill them using the kill -9 pid command as the root user.
  • Delete the files and directories below the $ORACLE_HOME:
    # cd $ORACLE_HOME
    # rm -Rf *
  • With the exception of the product directory, delete directories below the $ORACLE_BASE.
    # cd $ORACLE_BASE
    # rm -Rf admin doc jre o*
  • Delete the /etc/oratab file. If using 9iAS delete the /etc/emtab file also.
    # rm /etc/oratab /etc/emtab

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