
13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Linux uzerine Oracle Golden Gate Kurulumu

Bu makalemizde, Oracle Enterprise Linux uzerine Golden Gate 11g kurulumunu yapacagiz. 

Kurulum icin gerekenler.. sitesinde,

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Oracle GoldenGate on Oracle v11.2.1 Media Pack for Linux x86-6411. /
secerek indirilir.

-- indirilen .zip dosyasi, unzip ile acilir

[oracle@easlan ~]$ unzip
inflating: tar -xvof fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar

-- golden gate`in kurulacagi directory olusturulur.

[oracle@easlan ~]$mkdir /u01/goldengate

-- .tar dosyasi buraya kopyalanir

[oracle@easlan ~]$ cp fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar /u01/goldengate
[oracle@easlan ~]$ cd /u01/goldengate

-- .tart dosyasi acilir.

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ tar -xvof fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar

-- burdaki .tart dosyasini artik silinebilir.

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ rm fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar

-- shared olarak kullanacak library path`i set edilir.

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ export PATH=$PATH:/u01/goldengate
[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/u01/goldengate

-- golden gate`imiz hazir. simdi gerekli configurasyonlar yapilmali

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ ggsci
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version 14400833 OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Aug 23 2012 20:20:21
Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1>

-- directoryler olusturulur.

GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 1> CREATE SUBDIRS
Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
Parameter files /u01/goldengate/dirprm: created
Report files /u01/goldengate/dirrpt: created
Checkpoint files /u01/goldengate/dirchk: created
Process status files /u01/goldengate/dirpcs: createds
SQL script files /u01/goldengate/dirsql: created
Database definitions files /u01/goldengate/dirdef: created
Extract data files /u01/goldengate/dirdat: created
Temporary files /u01/goldengate/dirtmp: created
Veridata files /u01/goldengate/dirver: created
Veridata Lock files /u01/goldengate/dirver/lock: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync files /u01/goldengate/dirver/oos: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync XML files /u01/goldengate/dirver/oosxml: created
Veridata Parameter files /u01/goldengate/dirver/params: created
Veridata Report files /u01/goldengate/dirver/report: created
Veridata Status files /u01/goldengate/dirver/status: created
Veridata Trace files /u01/goldengate/dirver/trace: created
Stdout files /u01/goldengate/dirout: created

-- simdi Golden Gate Manager, Extract ve Replicat prosesleri icin bir veritabani kullanicisi olusturup, priviligeslerini vermeliyiz. Oncelikli bir, bu kullanicin kullanacagi biri tablespace olusturalalim

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ sqlplus / as sysdba;

SQL> create tablespace gg_tbs 
          datafile '/u02/oradata/ORCL/gg_data01.dbf' size 200m;
          Tablespace created.

SQL> create user gg_owner identified by gg_owner default tablespace gg_tbs;

           User created.

SQL> grant connect,resource to gg_owner;

           Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant select any dictionary, select any table to gg_owner;

           Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant create table to gg_owner;
           Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant flashback any table to gg_owner;
           Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on dbms_flashback to gg_owner;
           Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on utl_file to gg_owner;

           Grant succeeded.

-- Simdi olusturdugumuz veritabani kullanici ile Golden gate uzerinden baglanalim

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ ggsci
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version 14400833 OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Aug 23 2012 20:20:21
Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (devu007) 1> DBLOGIN USERID gg_owner, PASSWORD gg_owner

Successfully logged into database.

-- Golden Gate extract sureci basladiginda, hata almamak icin veritabaninin supplementa loggin`ini enable edilmelidir.

[oracle@easlan goldengate]$ sqlplus / as sysdba;


          Database altered.

Bir sonraki, makalede, golden gate ile veri tasinmasi gorecegiz..

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